Yarn Donations

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Wow! I am truly lucky. I received  bags and bags of colorful yarn yesterday from my Project Linus chapter coordinator. What a great way to start off the new year!

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill

March is National Crochet Month

yoga crochet

Sponsored by the Crochet Guild of America (CGOA) National Crochet Week was started back in 1999 as a promotional effort to celebrate  crochet and to let others know about the guild. It became so popular that  National Crochet Week became National Crochet Month! There is so many was to celebrate, here is how l plan celebrate.

I will finish my new blanket for Project Linus.

I’m going to try a new and challenging granny square.

I want to buy myself a ergonomic crochet hook.

What way will you celebrate National Crochet Month?

Wow A Liebster Award!


Wow I won a Liebster award!

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  What is a Liebster?  The meaning: Liebster is German and means , kindest, nicest, dearest,  lovely, kind, pleasant, valued,  endearing, and welcome.  Blogging is about building a community and it’s a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blog

bmary gave me a nomination  for the  Liebster Award! Thank-You so much, l didn’t even know there was such an award. bmary has a fun, interesting and humorous  blog with food for thought and excellent music videos !


There are rules to this prestigious award, they are as follows:

(1) Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog .

(2) You must answer the 10 questions given to you by the nominee before you.

(3) Nominate 10 of your favorite blogs with fewer than 200 followers and notify them of their nomination.

(4) Come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer.


My Nomination Questions from bmary

1. Who do you know personally that inspires you the most and why?  My sister, she always gives me great ideas and incite to act on those ideas.

2. What is your next goal or project?-That’s an easy question, another blanket for Project Linus.

3. What have you always wanted to do? A short marathon. 🙂

4. What is your guilty pleasure song?,,,,,,,spanish version..of Where do you go?

5. What’s your favorite animal? Love all animals, but have to say cats even though l don’t have one..

6. Where and what is your favorite place? I love to be anywhere on a beach.

7. What song do I need to listen to, right now? Right Now!

8. What is your favorite meal that you cook?- This is hard, because l love to cook.  Jamie  Oliver’s Salmon Filo Pie

9. Tell me a fun fact about yourself! I can do accents well.

10. Post a picture of something that is important to you or something you care about.


My Nominations in  random order

crochetshelters -Beautiful intricate crochet blog to say the least

Platanos Mangos and Me – Lovely recipes and photos that will make you hungry

My Wisconsin Home  -Fun craft and recipe ideas

White Heights  Beautiful bobble baby blanket on this blog

Guy Who crochets – Creative crochet ideas

Bake with Jill – A nice mixture of baking and crochet

Dressed in Crochet   Cute clothes for children and fun crochet items

Sew Sarah – Really nice dresses

Itchy Crochet – Lots of pretty crochet patterns

My Favorite Things  A very warm and heartfelt blog


Your Nomination Questions

1 What inspired you to start a blog?
2 If you could have just one wish what would it be?
3 What is your favorite website, and why?
4 What is your  favorite charity, if you have one?
5 What is your next project?
6 What is your favorite song?
7 Who is your favorite comedian?
8 Can you speak another language?
9 What is your favorite meal ?
10 Do you think the Liebster Award is fun?

Angry Birds Blanket

This blanket is for Grayson.  He is a fan of “Angry Birds”,so I thought l would go with that theme. I used the leftover red yarn from Ben’s blanket to make a connection, as they are cousins. I think the yellow stitching looks like birds going across the blanket.

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